Monday, January 10, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 8

Friends, I know you have been worried sick about my progress. Fretting yourselves about whether or not I have been hanging in there. I am so happy to give the great report that I have been trucking along. I won't discourage you with the minimal amount of weight loss seen. I mean, scales are just the devil. Just the devil, I tell you.

Nonetheless, my Jillian-not-liking self has been persevering. I'm just joshing. I like Jillian okay. She is taking some serious hits from my boxing move but other than that, she's a good gal. I have completed 8 days of the 30 day shred and my only minor setback was feeling a bit nauseous this morning. For the first time I had to stop and just watch Jillian get her work out on. I caught up quickly, but man...this is a workout for sure.

On a happier note, Saturday we watched Bball Girl do her thing at her 4th game. Her team is meshing together incredibly. This game every single girl shot and scored. Great teamwork, great attitudes, great support for each other. I'm so glad we're sticking with basketball for her in the spring. Let's keep this momentum going! Bball Girl made 8 of her, I don't know, 12 point attempts. Don't get me wrong, she's still wild. You know the girl, she's a wild one. Impulsive, and doesn't do a single thing slowly. Ah, like her mama. So she gets that ball and she's gone. Flying up or down the court, taking a shot, making the pass. Whatever it takes, she's there doing it before our mouths can even catch up to cheer her one way or the other. That's my girl. She did make 8 and that's a consistent improvement each game. The girls on the team known as "The Fury" took another win against a team that supposedly had a good shooter. Maybe she was sick on Saturday? This makes our record 3-0-1.

On another happier note, our church has started to a great year. We've had some old friends come back as part of their 2011 resolution and a renewed commitment to God. It's been very encouraging and a breath of fresh air to see people come into a personal relationship with God, and to be a part of it in some way is just so gratifying. Be encouraged, friends. The difference you make in someones life may seem small and sometimes nonexistent. But God doesn't miss a thing.

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