Friday, January 28, 2011

What Day Is It Anyway?

Friends, I can't even tell you what "30 Day Shred" day it is. I must admit I punked out on two days this week. Yup. Just straight up punked out. Wednesday and Thursday we are chalking up to snow days. My knees are starting to ache so that's fast becoming a pliable excuse too.

Nevertheless I found a pair of jeans I haven't seen in years and put them on today. Now, don't mistake, I'm not calling this progress. Who knows what state these jeans were in the last time I wore them. I can't for the life of me recall any memories attached to these particular jeans. Opened a dresser drawer today and there they were. The Hub says it looks like I had to lay on the bed to get them on. But friends, really. It's not that bad, I promise.

The real point of blogging today would be to give you another great glimpse of life with Youngest. After vigorous snow-playing for what seemed like endless hours yesterday from the third floor of our house we hear the door chime. A signal someone has come in. We don't hear the pounding of their lovely, anything-but-delicate feet hitting the steps so after a few minutes The Hub goes to check it out. The man has stealth to his investigation and if these kids haven't figured that out yet, they are in so much trouble.

He ever so quietly goes down to the kitchen, rounds the corner to find Youngest standing perched in front of the refrigerator, door hanging open, top on the milk missing, milk halfway hanging off the shelf. Youngest in an incredibly "busted" frame of mind, slowly turns toward the Hub to reveal his face filled with milk. Milk-filled cheeks, milk literally dripping down off his chin over the front of his jacket and hitting the floor..."plop plop plop," while Youngest just stands there totally busted as a milk bandit. Before the Hub can even say "what in the world are you doing?" Youngest just drops his shoulders and gives that "ahhhhhhmmmm" laugh that he does when he knows yet again he wasn't smart enough to out smart his really really smart parents.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Precious Moments

In the rush and push of our busy daily lives, four children, two full time jobs, no pets (thank God) and a small congregation to care for, the precious moments in time that make for glorious memories sometimes get passed by way too quickly.

Yes, friends, I am still doing the 30 day shred. This is day 20, I think. I have explained to you that my weight is stubborn and incredible as it is to believe, I have fluctuated between 3 pounds up and 3 down for the past 2o days. Amazing to me, since I have been working my butt off with old girl Jillian. And at the end of every workout she says "Amazing job. Just amazing..." And then I click the video off. Not sure how amazing it is.

So today's post is not about that silly thing called a workout. I do want to update you on Bball Girl's basketball game on Saturday, or lack thereof. For some odd reason the other team didn't show. The girls remain undefeated. The coaches decided on an impromptu parents vs. kids game. That was great. You know The Hub got in there. First play of the game Bball Girl had the ball and he smacked down her shot, hard. Like an NBA type move. But, even with that kind of humorous play, Bball Girl was able to get a layup around him and made the shot. I'm pretty sure I got that one on video.

This morning, my precious moment that I didn't want to let time erase from memory would be walking into Youngest's room to drop off a t-shirt for him to wear today. He's sleeping, lights are off and just as I reach the doorway I hear "mom," in a hushed whisper. I look back and Youngest, in all his sweet five-year-old-ness is nestled under his covers, eyes not even open, reaching his hand out gesturing for his mama to come to him. I mean, how sweet is that? I thought to myself, this is a rare moment in time. In a house with a teenager who is 17 and knows everything, girls who are too big to hold in my lap anymore, this five year old's sweetness just enveloped me. So I go to his bed and give him some hugs as he lay with his eyes closed. He pulled closer to me and readjusted himself so he was up close and personal to receive some loving.
"Mom...I'm hungry. Really, really hungry."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 17

Ah, friends, you just won't believe the dilemma I have had over the past 24 hours. Wednesday, as you know, we have our small group meet in our home. Thursday has always been, for years now, a difficult morning to get up and moving. To sound profound, my teaching is pouring out everything in me that I've studied for the week in an attempt to bless and encourage the people of God who come to receive. That is true, but it's also that we are a family of six with four kids and after our small group meets there is still the homework check, baths and showers, kids to bed routine that makes for an exhausting evening at times. Don't get me wrong; wouldn't change a thing. Just preparing you for my line of thinking this morning. Early morning...

Something wakes me up this morning. Thinking it was my alarm, I jump out of bed, less than eager to go meet with my girl Jillian. I'm sad to say I skipped yesterday. I was hoping for a County school opening delay and didn't get one. I think I had wrapped my brain around getting one and when I didn't, I just couldn't make myself get up at 5:30am. Anyway, this morning I jump out of bed, determined to get back on track. I go to the bathroom, change into my workout clothes, sit on the side of the tub and go to turn on the shower. Um. half asleep maybe? I shake my disorientation off and say to myself, remember you are going to work out silly. I head down to see Jillian. I'm sure she's eagerly waiting on me.

I set up my yoga mat, pull out my weights, turn on the DVD, I'm thinking how unbelievably tired I am, and how it sure feels like I just went to sleep, and just as Jillian is saying good morning I glance at the clock. 12:19. As in nineteen minutes after midnight. Friends, it's midnight. I am standing in my basement ready to work out with Jillian and it's midnight. Shaking my head literally, I think that clock must be busted. I walk over to The Hub's laptop and shake it awake to find that lo and behold, it's midnight. I'm torn between feeling sick to my stomach with pure fatigue and confusion as to why in the world I would have done this. The brain is a tricky thing.

This is a story for my brother in law, otherwise known as Cute Husband. He loves my other story of the time I got up for work at 2:00am making it all the way through a shower and getting dressed. It wasn't until I was doing my hair that I realized the time. Do you think maybe the body sometimes runs on autopilot and the configurations got jacked up?

I crawled back to bed, just incredulous that I had wasted precious sleep time. Amazed that I woke all the way up and actually thought it was time to get up. What woke me up? Not my alarm obviously. No one texted me, phone wasn't ringing. Just plain odd, friends. Even odder that I followed through with the confused state of mind all the way down to the dark, cold basement. I mean, clearly not sleepwalking. Just a little less than sharp, apparently.

As I climb back in that warm bed, workout clothes, including shoes, are still on. After all that there was no way I was changing back into pajamas. I'm praying The Hub doesn't become alert to my fiasco. Sure enough, in classic The Hub fashion, just as I settle into my pillow and relax, take a deep breath in...The Hub says "what in the world are you doing." I try to keep my composure and tell him about my adventure and when he asks what time it really is, I can feel him shaking his head.

Friends, what a morning. I did awake at 5:30am for real and did go and meet Jillian. It was tough, but I did it. Last night at our small group we talked about the first chapter of the book of Hebrews. The whole first chapter discusses the difference between Jesus and the angels. Both important but not equally so. Now I know an angel was watching over me last night to make sure I didn't hit my half-awake head as I stumbled about at midnight (!), but I also know that it was Jesus that let me go back to sleep, soundly for the remainder of the night. Thank God for that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 16

Still at it, folks. I have come to the sad, sad conclusion that a watched pot never boils. That old saying has proven true. I can't keep myself from stepping on that scale every single day, hoping for some radical change to just blow me away one morning. Realistically, what am I thinking? I'll see, what, 10 pounds gone over night? A girl can dream can't she?

The truth is, I don't see anything disappear overnight, over day, in-between, upside,'s all the same. It's enough to make a girl give it up. But like Martin Luther King, Jr. "I have a dream..." Friends, this girl is dreaming. I have decided my weight is stubborn-er than I could ever imagine to be. It's just rock-solid stubborn. It joined me heartily ten years ago when my first girl was put into my arms and like a love-child, it doesn't want to leave me. Can I blame it? It's a comfortable life being attached to me. Just ask any one of the four that are attached to my hip/leg/foot/forehead daily.

But seriously, there just is no logical way that a girl can work out this hard, every single day. I mean, it's day 16 already. And Jillian is literally mopping the floor with me. Half way to 30 days...and yet my weight is still the same. I think my point of encouraging you by blogging about this process is really lost. Really lost. I guess the encouraging thought would be that I keep going. Every morning I'm up at 5:25am. An ungodly hour if ever there was one.

My church has embarked on it's annual 21 day fast. For me, that means no coffee (ouch!), no meat, fruits and vegetables only. No tv shows (ouch! ouch!), etc. More quiet time with God is a good thing. Less distractions in my life is a great thing. I think the diet change will make a difference in my 30 day shred progress. Ya'll pray for a sister. I'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 10

Well friends, I am happy to report I am one third of the way through with the 30-Day Shred. I know the question is what comes after the 30-Day Shred, but please...let's not get ahead of ourselves. You'll be excited to know my total weight loss today, 10 days in, is 3 whopping pounds. Three of them bad boys kicked the dust. Whooop Whoop!

I have even more encouraging news to report today. Yesterday in need of some paper for writing, I pulled out a notebook that I had begun using last July. To give you the background, last July on a particularly fed-up day, I began exercising. I maintained 3 days a week of doing some type of cardio and weight training and was journaling about my schedule and weight loss. Looking back on that, and where I was on July 13, revealed that I was 10 pounds heavier than I was just 10 days ago when I started the 30 Day Shred. So, can I count that other ten pounds in my weight loss here? Nah, guess that would be cheating. I'll stick with the three pounds for now, but I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised to see this number staring back at me from the page and not remembering misplacing those ten pounds at any time during the year.

I was doing really well from July until round about October. Once it turned cold, this old girl wasn't having it. One thing I can not do is wake up at 5:30am and go outside in the dark, AND in the cold. Two of the three yucks, the early morning rise and going outside, I can swallow. But add the cold in, forget about it. Just couldn't do it. Regardless, it means I was ten pounds lighter starting out ten days ago and a smaller number than I was less than a year ago. Yay, me! Since I have finished day 10, tomorrow I start level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. Did I forget to mention that? This delightful video has three levels. I've been at the beginner workout for 10 days. Now it's time to graduate to level 2. Gulp. Pray for me...

Our church starts a new small group study tonight, on the book of Hebrews. It's all about building those spiritual muscles (get that?). I'm really looking forward to starting it and since our church has kicked off 2011 with such a great start, a great vibe in the air and with really great people, this small group study is also kicking off in a good atmosphere. I'm pretty excited to dig in. Hey, we are just some muscle building folks around here. Spiritual muscles, physical muscles. We are on a roll.

I couldn't leave you today without giving you a Copeland-funny. Last night at the dinner table the Hub let everyone know the church was going to embark on its annual 21 day fast starting next Monday. "Everyone will be fasting something, guys. Doesn't have to be food. You pray about what you want to do," says the Hub. People threw some ideas out there, and Bball Girl pipes up, "Okay, dad. I'll do it! But I am NOT fasting my school's cinnamon buns. No Way. They are so good." Hilarious.

Monday, January 10, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 8

Friends, I know you have been worried sick about my progress. Fretting yourselves about whether or not I have been hanging in there. I am so happy to give the great report that I have been trucking along. I won't discourage you with the minimal amount of weight loss seen. I mean, scales are just the devil. Just the devil, I tell you.

Nonetheless, my Jillian-not-liking self has been persevering. I'm just joshing. I like Jillian okay. She is taking some serious hits from my boxing move but other than that, she's a good gal. I have completed 8 days of the 30 day shred and my only minor setback was feeling a bit nauseous this morning. For the first time I had to stop and just watch Jillian get her work out on. I caught up quickly, but man...this is a workout for sure.

On a happier note, Saturday we watched Bball Girl do her thing at her 4th game. Her team is meshing together incredibly. This game every single girl shot and scored. Great teamwork, great attitudes, great support for each other. I'm so glad we're sticking with basketball for her in the spring. Let's keep this momentum going! Bball Girl made 8 of her, I don't know, 12 point attempts. Don't get me wrong, she's still wild. You know the girl, she's a wild one. Impulsive, and doesn't do a single thing slowly. Ah, like her mama. So she gets that ball and she's gone. Flying up or down the court, taking a shot, making the pass. Whatever it takes, she's there doing it before our mouths can even catch up to cheer her one way or the other. That's my girl. She did make 8 and that's a consistent improvement each game. The girls on the team known as "The Fury" took another win against a team that supposedly had a good shooter. Maybe she was sick on Saturday? This makes our record 3-0-1.

On another happier note, our church has started to a great year. We've had some old friends come back as part of their 2011 resolution and a renewed commitment to God. It's been very encouraging and a breath of fresh air to see people come into a personal relationship with God, and to be a part of it in some way is just so gratifying. Be encouraged, friends. The difference you make in someones life may seem small and sometimes nonexistent. But God doesn't miss a thing.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 4

I would love to make up some fabulous tale about how much progress I made today. If progress includes dragging myself out of the bed and into Jillian's face, then progress I made! I'm thinking that doesn't quite cut it. I did do my workout and took special joy in the boxing punch move specially targeted toward Jillian's tv face. I hope it hurt.

My muscles are looser and the pain is eh, a degree less. Stairs. Still the devil. And yet, I forge on...

This morning the Hub decided he was coming. Now one thing I don't want to do is talk during a workout. I mean, come on's hard enough to make yourself do it. No one wants to have a convo during it. The incessant talking, maybe I could tolerate over the other extreme. Coming late to class. This morning the Hub didn't do the out of bed drag like me. He slept like an angel and looked at me with half an eye open. As if to say, "yea, you go ahead and get that work out on. I'll be right here under my blanket." So down to the big workout studio slash basement I go. And lo and behold, 5 minutes into the workout, here comes the Hub. And the daring soul has the nerve to pause the video. Um. Not happy. The pleasant version of the exchange went something like: "the workout doesn't wait for you. You come late, you catch up or you go home."

Hey, may sound harsh, but I was not going to start this huge task and then have to stop and let him catch up. Alright, maybe that wasn't so kind. I'll pray about that. In the meantime, I got my workout on without any talking. Let's just say the Hub decided to forgo the experience this morning after my pleasant barking.

Since last night at our small group bible study we wrapped up the study on Facing Your Giants, I think it's appropriate to identify this weight loss as a giant in my life. If I apply all the things I learned from the study I'll be packing me five smooth stones in my pocket, just like David did in the bible story. Young David had those stones and was ready to defeat the giant Goliath. This "Goliath" is going down my friends. Jillian better be careful, she just might find herself with a stone stuck in the middle of her forehead if she keeps playing with me.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

30 Day Shred - Day 1-3

Friends, I started my New Year Exercise commitment a few days ago. Realize, today is day 3. It has taken me a full two days to peel myself off the floor. I went with the "30 Day Shred" by none other than the great Jillian Michaels. The girl is not messing around. Despite my protesting to her face on the tv, doing my air boxing punches directly at her nose and telling her plainly to please just shut up, I persevered. I've made it to day 3.

Weight loss: .20 of a pound. Don't laugh. It's something. I realize it is only 2 tenths of a pound, but hey, it is truthfully something less than when I started. I've thought about losing weight for many years. Just a thought, not a commitment. I started speed walking last July. Three days a week, at least 30 minutes. Results = none. Once it got cold in December, forget about it. Definitely not going to drag myself out of bed at 5;30am and into the cold. Not gonna happen.

So, here my commitment lies. I've decided to blog about my 30 day war because that makes me more accountable. The most difficult part has been the after affect from the workout. Oh my, friends. Can you say "walking like a 90-year old?" Wow. If I had a cane I would walk with it. Stairs? The devil.

With the holidays gone and routine back in full force, Bball Chick is back at practice. I'm delighted to report she has selected basketball as her spring sport too. Soccer Chick says she's sticking with soccer and we haven't even discussed with Youngest yet. My guess is he will say he wants to play more than one sport. He will then likely try to negotiate his way into making this happen. Oldest is in full swing with Lacrosse workouts. Tryouts coming soon. This will be a new experience for us, but we're game.