Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hugs, anyone? 10.26.10

Maybe it's just us Copelands, but seems we are some hugging people. I have been noticing lately how whenever we see anyone we greet them with a hug. Not just family, but friends from present and past, teenage friends of ours, neighbors, anyone. Alright, well, no...not anyone. I'm exaggerating. But it seems that our hug policy just about applies to anyone...

Every Friday night at a football game we encounter high school friends of Oldest. What do we do? "Hey girl!" and hug ensues. When those said teenagers see Youngest, arms fly wide open, big enough for him to run into them for his hug greeting to be applied. To his credit, often he is the only one greeted by some of these teenagers and we know that is his booming personality in full effect. Everyone loves Youngest.

What is this hugging thing, you think? I was contemplating today, why are we such huggers? Sometimes the Hub will hug someone and then the Hub says to me "why did I just hug her? I don't even know her like that." Today as I'm thinking why do we have such a connection-driven need to get our hug on, Youngest says "Mom when can we go to the girl and boy's house again with the double babies?" He would be referring to the awesome football-watching, lunch-having time we had at my cousin's house on Sunday. She has twins..."double babies."

"We had so much fun there mom." At that moment, I got it. We are huggers because of that connection. We, as people, in general crave connection...with somebody...often anybody. For us Copelands, it's our way of connecting with that person who we really like. They have made it past the first phase of just being "alright", into the real deal of "we like you."

So when we see you if you get a hug you know where you stand. Kidding, friends. Some moments are not hug moments, but for the most part we find ourselves reaching in to get that connection going. We know we are "like that" with that person, and our hug seals the deal. They know it too. Connected.

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