Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Facing Your Giants

Our church's small group is reading Facing Your Giants, by the terrific author and pastor Max Lucado. I would love to say we are about half way through, taking it one chapter at a time, but I think to be honest, we have many more chapters to go. That said, I must say, this has been a great experience so far.

Facing those life giants...not such an easy task, to say the least. Most, if not all of us, look to avoid giants; run from them even. I know a few people looking to self-destruct that head straight for some giants, but those not-so-sane, sane ones of us, are trying not to face our fears, problems, troubles and hurdles.

This week's chapter has to do with rest for the weary. Is that such a bad thing? We tend to treat it as if it equals surrender, but truly, as Christians should know, it's way better to allow people to stop and take that rest when needed. Little old mama me has been feeling mighty weary lately. Perhaps it's the four kids, going in nine different directions...at all times. Maybe it's the preparation to get ready to see my oldest graduate. Maybe it's the (sigh inserted) fact that my youngest is not so young anymore. Maybe it's the combo of these things, and working full time and taking care of a great family, developing a community church and being the best sports mom I care to be. I am thinking that's it. It's a combo thing. Many factors intertwined, to make one tired lady. I think it's okay that I stop and rest a bit. Catch my breath and do some strength building.

One of those weary moments came just a few days ago when Baseball Chick hugged me goodbye as I left for work: "Mom, just once I would like you to not go to work. Okay, I mean, you can go to work but be home when I get home from school." Yes, Baseball Chick, I would like that too. Just once. Now, in reality, it does happen "just once". We've had a couple of "just onces" but I get what she means. Oh, how I wish that were the case. Many working moms would relish that same set up. I get it Baseball Chick. And I heartily concur.

Yet, here I read this week's small group chapter and remind myself that it's okay to stop and take a breather...deep lung-filling breather and prepare for the next step. Whatever God wants to do next, I know He'll prepare me, strengthen me in my pit-stop. I'll be ready for the changes and growth in my children as they continue to need me less and know everything more. I'll be ready when God opens the doors for our church to grow in our community. I'll be ready for whatever is next.

In reality, I won't be ready. Much of life is that "get ready now because it's already happening" type of deal. And that's okay too. Knowing that God is by my side and that He knew what was coming before I did is comforting and strengthening. So, friends, my prayer for you, as you ready today's post, is that you will be ready to not be ready too. God is right there in the mix of it, holding your hand and guiding your way. Take your breather, gather your strength and let's keep moving together.

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