Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another Funny...

You have to love a five-year-old's logic and wit...

This morning as I drive Youngest to school he says: "Mom what is that word that is used to talk about a swordache? It has the word 'sword' in it?"

Again, as usual, having no clue where to go with this one, I start grasping, "When do you use this word, where do you see it?" Obviously, not understanding him at all, Youngest says "No mom, I mean when something hurts. Like when your tummy hurts you says you have a tummy ache. This is a swordache or something."

"Ah, a sore throat?"

"YES! That's it! A sword throat. My friend Mason had one of those the other day and he went to the doctor and now he's better."

Friends, next time you get a sword in your throat...see the doctor.

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