Is it bad that as the weekend is unfolding, and I am at each sports game, I'm thinking of how much fun it will be write this week's Weekend Sports Update. I just love sharing with the drama, the excitement, the astounding behavior and charming children that my children come in contact with. I really couldn't make this stuff up...
Saturday morning soccer game involved me on snack duty. Hubby was out of town so that meant I carry sitting chairs, a cooler, snacks and kids across a way-t0o-long field, doing it solo. On trip #1, I put half my stuff down including my covered coffee mug with my breakfast steaming inside. I returned from trip #2 to find my coffee cup wasn't stable enough on the grass and was on it's side. Contents fertilizing the soccer field. Not.Cool. I drilled the two sideline kids, "did you knock that over?!?" Knowing what was really good for them, they both responded they didn't come anywhere near it. Grrr...on to the start of the soccer game, to which I was now not in a too happy mood. The girls somehow played the same team they played last week. Also, coincidentally, the best team in the league. Well, they have our favorite opposing player, we'll call her "Skills". Remember her? We've chatted about her before. We love to play with her, but don't so much love playing against her. Her feet are like a street sweeper, I think. I was watching her on the field, just focusing on her feet, thinking how does she get them to go from side to side like that? Easy, she's good.
Anyhow, the girls had the rotten misfortune of playing this good team two weeks in a row. Last week's tie took everything they had. This week was no different. The girls busted their butts to come back from a 0-2 struggle to tie at 2 goals each. Only to have the other team pocket another one...To best wrap up my sideline expressions, here's a snipit of my cheer "Girls, this is NOT a game! Stop playing with them! No more fun time". To which a mom next to me began laughing hysterically, "yeah, that's right! this is serious" she says in a sarcastic tone. "hahaha", I laugh. Glad she knew I was joking. Glad she thought I was joking. I decided at that point they were going to lose the game and I needed to sit back and take a chill. So glad hubby wasn't there. He would have found my frustration quite amusing. So the girls lost, 2-3, only to have the coach come over and tell me that my soccer star was selected for All-Stars. Now for those of you who know better, just ignore this next thought. For those of you who don't know better, All Stars is a big, big deal. Ha. To a soccer mom, a title I am begrudgingly admitting to, this is a major deal. So my girl's on. All of a sudden, the loss didn't hurt me-er, her-quite so much. Although, the tension at an All-Star game may not even be something I can write about. It's not pretty.
On to baseball. My darling hitter smacked two singles right to first place. 1st and 2nd time at bat. To which she stomps over to the bench to announce to me that the pitcher sucks. "It's his pitching". Well, he uses a pitching machine, and she actually hit the ball, so I can't really side with her on that. She decides she's sitting out the next inning, to sulk a bit. Miraculously, the coach lets her. Yup, her dad was definitely out of town. Next inning, coach asks "are you in?" To which I reply "don't ask her, it's not a question". What is this? Game time? Didn't I pay money for this season? We're playing. period. She sucked it up and made it through the rest of the game. Thankfully with no more unfortunate outs to blow her mood. My favorite part of the day was overhearing our coach gripe about a little convo he had with the opposing coach about what official baseball rules were acceptable at this level. Funny, someone else out there thinks this is just a game too. What ARE these people thinking?
And my favorite game this weekend was the evening basketball game for the oldest. Down two players, all 5 of our boys are playing the whole game. And somehow there's no one to keep the books so our coach has to do it. Admittedly, I don't have any idea how to do that. And also admittedly, our cheer section is sparse. So the coach filled in. Well, he can't coach and keep the books, so our boys coached themselves. The opposing team was pretty good and had twice as many boys, so needless to say the game was ugly. That was the ugliest game of basketball I have ever seen. Just scrappy, people fighting for ugly buckets. And the ones made were just plain ugly. Man, they worked hard and fought it out and stayed neck and neck the entire game. But it was definitely ugly. They lost, but are seeded 3rd and headed to playoffs Thursday night.
Next fall all four will be old enough to play a sport. Adding the youngest one in to this just might send me over the edge of the "crazy-sports-mom" cliff. Soccer has really driven me there and in the fall with two soccer players, it just might get ugly. Ya'll pray for me...
I'll end my weekend update with a conversation from the little man last night:
"Dad, I have 4 things I need to say to you". To which he puts up all 5 fingers.
"First, I don't like to play air hockey with you because you always win."
"Second, I can sing better than you.
"Second, I can dance better than you.
"And fourth, I want a snack".
a blog about being a Christian, a Pastor's Wife of a church in Fairfax, VA (yay fcfc!), a mother of 4 athletic and engaging children, working full time and being an encourager of God's people
HAHAHA i'm laughing out loud at the conversation with the youngest! out loud! and i can so picture you on the sidelines, it's not even funny. but if my coffee had fallen over, i would have called it a day and said good luck to the soccer star and taken myself back to that good old starbucks. yup.
ReplyDelete(also - all stars?? that's amazing!! can't wait to tell her uncle :))
I can just see my little man diving into that bed and the look on his face when he checked to find his boo boo hadn't magically disappeared immediately. So cool about the all stars.