Thursday, May 27, 2010

Real Forgiveness

One of my favorite things to do is to wake up before anyone in the house and spend just a few quiet moments reading my bible. Goal is to read it cover to cover before year's end. Version of choice: The Message Version. Love this version. Reads like a story, which, of course, the Bible really is. It's modern day language and easy to follow. Wraps you right up in there, which, of course, the Bible should do.

Today, just finished up Genesis. Shush, I know that's the first book in there...and it's the end of May! I don't always have those quiet mornings, okay? Lord help me if Youngest wakes up. "Talk time" commences. Well, today's conclusion involves the end of Joseph's life. Reading about his end really made me think about his beginnings. What a great example of forgiveness. I imagine that sitting in jail cells for years would make a dude pretty bitter. Last night at our small group we talked about how experiences in life can make us bitter if we don't deal with them appropriately. How much of something are we supposed to hang on to? How much do we let go? How do we forgive someone of the unthinkable, which tragically happens everyday to lots of someones.

I picture Joseph sitting in a jail cell making a conscious choice to forgive his brothers. All alone, imprisoned, he had more than just a solitary home and no one to share it with. He had to decide to be successful despite what he was facing. Whoa. For me, that's major. Just the decision is tough. Actually becoming that person is work too. But many of us don't get to the actual work because we don't want to move out of unforgiveness, bitterness and pain.

As I closed the chapter on Genesis and Joseph's life this morning, I thought "I sure hope I remember Joseph the next time I am done wrong". Personally, I want to be like Joseph...bitterness-free, unforgiveness-less! I think it does start with a conscious choice...a decision to be and do something different. Joseph is the ultimate success story of hard work, perserverance and determination...AFTER he decided to do something with what he was given. I hope I decide that. And I hope you do too.

1 comment:

  1. Joseph was - NOT a whiner, that's for sure. Can't stand whiners - get over it and DO something!!!!!

    xx aunt nacia

    P.S. I have to confess I prefer the King James version - so much poetry in there. I'm a sucker for that.
