I'm reading this...
Our Ladies Book Club, now being dubbed "The Ladies Club", not to be confused with similarity to a Gentleman's Club, is reading this particular gem this month. The name change evolving as a result of the massive good time we have as ladies, just enjoying each other's presence and occasionally mentioning the book we were supposed to read.
For my friends who aren't read-eager, this is a quick, easy read. It's the fictional story of a man who loses everything. A modern-day Job. I am about half-way through so my blog post is not to be mistaken for a review of this little guy. Just want to give you a heads up, this might be one you would enjoy.
It's certainly food for thought. In a world full of chaos, self-promotion and self-gratification, what would you do if you found yourself with everything and the next afternoon had nothing. Literally. Everything you loved, including the material junk we "love" and can't live without, was suddenly ripped away. It's something to consider. My friend, Alan, the fictional star of this book, takes a walk.
What a thought. Just walk away from the nothing that is left behind. Walking is liberating. I'm at the part in the book where he just began his walk and I'm anxious to see where the road leads him. Spiritually speaking, when we walk away from the destruction that has become our situation, where do we walk to? Do we invite God to walk with us? Truly, we are never alone. Even when life can't get lower and we feel like we are on our own, God is there walking with us. Our choice is whether we invite him to walk beside or pretend He's not there by plowing ahead, blinded by anger, resentment and bitterness from the mess we left behind.
Every situation that we come out of is an opportunity to see God's grace. Tragedy is triumph. The mess becomes a message. The test is a testimony. It's not us, friends. It's God speaking through us. Let the Man speak.
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